About Us

IMG_5040 (800x533)Our Mission:
We provide dance training that is comprehensive, challenging and fun. The philosophy of the studio is to provide students with the information and skills to teach them to dance. Our students do not just learn a dance for competitions; they learn the art. And, with that education, comes lessons in timing, movement and discipline. As early as 3, 4, and 5 years old, we teach an introductory class that gives the students the basics of body movement. Pupils continue their dance training with structured ballet and tap classes at six years of age. Students interested in jazz can begin at eight years of age. They will begin with classic jazz and and progress with Lyrical and Theater Jazz. Pointe and pas de deux classes are offered to students when they are qualified. We also offer an adult class in ballet. All students are encouraged to take ballet to achieve a strong technical base. Pointe students must also take 2 ballet classes. *As our students reach the higher levels of training, we offer them the experience to participate in a teacher’s training program. It is truly our focus to give our students an all-encompassing dance education.
* All of our classes are taught by professional adults. Older students are invited to assist with younger classes so that the younger student has a greater ability to watch and ask questions while giving the older student another opportunity to work on technique, as well as provide a role model for the younger students.

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